| June 9 – August 9 |

2024 league fees
*We are not raising our fees this session BUT we are implementing some rule changes in regards to payments to help us transition to the new facility later this year.
Your $70 deposit is non-refundable if you choose to back out of the league (as this hurts us with scheduling and when we turn down teams due to space).
If we can't form a league on the night your requested or if it's full, we will refund you.
Also, the captain is now responsible for paying the remainder of the team balance.
We will NOT accept individual payments anymore!
** Ref fees are included in the league fee prices **
6 person team $420.00
Must pay 1 player fee as the deposit at the time of registration.
4 person team $280.00
Must pay 1 player fee as the deposit at the time of registration.
Very Competitive
- Tight set calls, under 2 forward rotations and NO sideways rotation
- Controlled passing
- Almost always attempt 3 hits
Double Contacts will be called.
Competitive Recreational
- Looser set calls, under 3 forward rotations
- Attempts controlled passing
- Attempts multiple hits
Double Contacts will be called.
Purely Recreational
- Loosest set calls, good as long as the ball isn't thrown
- 3 hits are not common in a volley
- Great league for new work teams, church teams, and other groups that have never played before
*If on a mobile device, scroll left to right on the table to see additional days/times to register. Or turn phone to the side.
- Game Times: 6:20, 7:15, 8:10, 9:05 and 10:00.
- Teams will play 3 games/night for 1 match – double headers are possible
- All captains will be notified of their first game time by email and are responsible for notifying their players.
- 8 matches plus tournament night in a session.
- Each match is 3 sets, rally point to 21
- If you intend to play with fewer players, the cost is $70 per person and you must specify the number of players when registering. Only the number of players paid for will be allowed on the court at all times.
- League fees are non-refundable and must be paid in full by the second week.
- High school and college students can also play in adult leagues
- All schedules are final the second week of play.
- Any special requests must be made in advance.
- You may sign up in more than 1 league on the same night, but games will be separated by 1 hour; we will not hold up games waiting for players.
For rain out information please check our Facebook or Instagram.